Learning Ubuntu Linux Server

Learning Ubuntu Linux Server

A quick and concise way to get your first Ubuntu Linux server running.
This course is designed for the IT professional or computer hobbyist who wants to quickly get their first Linux server up and running. It is four hours of console screen capture with highlights, voiceover explanation, and on-screen description of commands and concepts.
The course assumes some knowledge of computer hardware and operating systems such as files, directories, and disk partitions. If you've been curious about Linux but have been frustrated by the "read the docs and learn" mentality, this course will walk you through installation, configuring a web and file server, setting up redundant disks, and a number of other administrative tasks.
The end product will be an Ubuntu Linux installation suitable for home or small office server.
What are the requirements?
- A spare working computer or virtualization software like VMWare Fusion or VirtualBox
What am I going to get from this course?
- At the end of this course, you will have a basic skills in the Linux filesystem, commandline, software installation, and various other administrative activities.
- Web and Database Server (Apache and MySQL Installation)
- Setting up software RAID to protect your data
- File sharing services
- Running a home/SoHo DNS and DHCP server
- Work with the commandline interface
- Install and remove software
- Lots of Tips n' Tricks
What is the target audience?
- IT professionals with little or no Linux experience
- Windows administrators who have been tasked with configuring their first Linux server
- Computer and IT hobbyists

923 MB

Intermediate Level

Learning Ubuntu Linux Server
Reviewed by 1001 free download

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