Shopping List With Angularjs php and sqlite 2014

Shopping List With Angularjs php and sqlite 2014

Learn how to build a Shopping List application from scratch using AngularJs, PHP, SQLite, Zurb Foundation and Jasmine.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Shopping List - responsive web application which you can access from any device.
You will learn how to:
- Create the form to add new items to your shopping list
- Display all items in the shopping list
- Mark items as completed
- Option to print the entire list
- Option to remove completed items
- Create responsive layout for your application to access it from your mobile while shopping
- Write tests for your AngularJs module and all its services and methods
All this using:
- AngularJS
- PHP with PDO
- SQLite database
- Zurb Foundation 5
- Jasmine behavior-driven testing framework
What are the requirements?
- PHP server (either local or remote) with PHP PDO extension
- Modern web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 9+ etc.)
What am I going to get from this course?
- Build fully functional web application to manage your shopping list
- Learn basics of using AngularJs
- Learn how to write tests using Jasmine
- Learn how to use SQLite database on both Windows and Mac
What is the target audience?
- Anyone with basic knowledge of PHP and JavaScript

635 MB
Shopping List With Angularjs php and sqlite 2014
Reviewed by 1001 free download

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