Objective C for Kids

Objective C for Kids

Objective C for Kids is mainly for Beginners who do not have any Programming Knowledge.In this Course each and every concepts of Objective-C are explained
Want to write iOS apps or desktop Mac applications?
If yes then you are at right place.This course is Your first step on the journey from someone who uses apps to someone who writes them.
Objective-C is a programming language which is used by Apple and Apple Developers to create iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps.
Objective C for Kids is mainly for Beginners who do not have any Programming Knowledge.In this Course each and every concepts of Objective-C are explained and demonstrated on mac line by line very clearly.This course begins with very basics and then moves to advance.
The author included more than 12 Programming problems and their solutions so that you can understand easily and quickly.
He request you to pause and type the same codes, He typed in the Course for Solid understanding.He also request you to modify the code and then run it to learn more.
What are the requirements?
- An Apple Mac Computer
- XCode (Free from Apple App Store)
What am I going to get from this course?
- You will learn Basics and advance Concepts of objective-C
- A Solid Understanding Of Objective-C
What is the target audience?
- Beginners to programming
- New to iPhone/iPad programming
- Programmers who want to create iOS Applicaitons but don't know Objective C

179 MB
Objective C for Kids
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